As We Gather this Sunday, January 12: For this Epiphany season, we are going to walk through Paul’s letter to the Colossians. The sermon series is titled “Christ at the Center.” In his letter to the Colossians, Paul presents Jesus as both the Creator and Reconciler of the universe. Paul makes these lofty claims because the congregation in Colossae was under attack. Heretics promoted a version of Christianity where Christ was not supreme. They didn’t deny Christ. They dethroned him. They didn’t doubt Christ’s prominence. They denied him pre-eminence. These false teachers didn’t replace Christ, but they refused to place him at the center…of everything! We also live in a society which subtracts from Jesus and adds to the Gospel. The lineup of sermons is as follows:
January 12: We have a … Christ-Centered Gospel (1:1–14)
January 19: We live in a …Christ-Centered Universe (1:15–23)
January 26: We have … Christ-Centered Motivation (1:24–2:5)
February 2: We cherish … Christ-Centered Fullness (2:6–15)
February 9: We have a … Christ-Centered Mind (3:1–11)
February 16: We wear … Christ-Centered Clothes (3:12–17)
February 23: We have a … Christ-Centered Mission (4:2–6)
March 2: We work for … Christ-Centered Reconciliation (4:7–18)
In conjunction with the sermon series, the Sunday Bible class (8-8:45 a.m.) will also be studying Colossians during the Epiphany season, starting on Sunday.
Stewardship Standard: Matthew 2:11 says, “And going into the house they saw the child with Mary his mother, and they fell down and worshiped him. Then, opening their treasures, they offered him gifts: gold, frankincense, and myrrh.” Worship and the giving of gifts go together. This makes sense because God is the giver of every good and perfect gift. In response, we worship him and desire to grow into his image. We receive his gifts in worship and then, being conformed to the likeness of his image, we imitate his generosity in our daily life.
On Sunday, we begin our monthly door offering which benefits “Tomorrow’s Teachers and Preachers,” a concerted effort by the Missouri District—LCMS to recruit and retain more pastors and teachers. Given the extreme shortage of both in our Synod, please give prayerfully and generously. The reception box will be in the narthex for the month of January.
Also on Sunday, we will install Amy Birk, financial secretary; Kenton Roth, elder; and Kevin Martyn, trustee, as our newly elected officers at Concordia. Please pray for them as they undertake their responsibilities.
Even more, this Sunday after worship, there will be refreshment and fellowship time, and then the annual “taking down” of the Christmas decorations, both inside and outside our church building. If you can stay and help, that would be most appreciated!
Small-group ministry update:
Sunday, January 12: after worship, “Concordia Sings” in the balcony
Tuesday, January 14: 4:30-5:30 p.m. Pickleball in the school gym
Wednesday, January 15: 9 a.m. & 7 p.m. Bible study—Acts of the Apostles
Prayers for the following, please: our shut-in members Edgar and Della Dreyer, Mildred Grebing, Tillie Luckey, Mahela Lueders, Jean Mueller, Flora Oberndorfer; healing for Mike Barich after eye surgery; for God’s blessings on the ministry of Missionary John Wolf and his family as they share the Gospel in Africa; for Seminarian Blake Brockman and his family at Concordia Seminary in St. Louis; for the renovation work going on inside the Hall; for our Family Discipleship team, as they continue to seek God's guidance for what this ministry might include at Concordia; for the victims of the wildfires in southern California.
Our Lutheran Youth Fellowship (LYF) will hold a chicken soup fundraiser 10:30-1 p.m., Sunday, January 19, in the UCLS gymnasium. Menu includes unlimited bowls of soup; sandwich, drink, and dessert. A free-will offering will be received; all proceeds will help send our youth to the 2025 LCMS Youth Gathering.
Life Quote for January 12: “From the moment you were being knitted together in your mother’s womb (Psalm 139:13), God’s began his careful construction of his chosen jewel of redemption.” Rev. Adam Osier, Dean, Free Lutheran Bible College, Plymouth, Minnesota – A Life Quote from Lutherans For Life •
See you on Sunday at Concordia!
Pastor Paul Hoemann
The mission of Concordia Lutheran Church is to gather, teach, and inspire all generations to share the Good News.
Our Core Values
We value worship as a way of life. True worship of God is to be reflected in our lifestyle …in every moment…in every decision…in every relationship.
Christian Education
We are called by God to train our adults, young adults, and children to know and love Him.
We continue to honor our heritage by stewarding our time, talent, and treasures for future generations.
Our goal is to intentionally go and share the Gospel with others in words and deeds.