As We Gather this Saturday and Sunday: In the Apostles’ Creed, we profess the most astounding truth in the history of the world: Jesus Christ is resurrected from the dead! It is the most important truth; Paul calls the resurrection “of first importance,” because without the resurrection, we are still dead in our sins. “CREDO: I believe…in the Resurrection,” is part five of our summer sermon series. The rest of the series is:
Week 6 (August 11): “I believe…in the Church”
Week 7 (August 17-18): “I believe…in God’s kingdom”
Week 8 (August 25): “I believe…in the Holy Spirit”
Week 9 (September 1): “I believe…in eternal life”
(July 28 and August 4, I will be on vacation; so, a short break in the series to allow for that.)
Sunday morning Bible study has resumed at 8 a.m. in the sanctuary. Dovetailing nicely with our summer sermon series, we are in the midst of a study of the Apostles’ Creed. Please join me to study God’s Word before our hour of worship! On Wednesdays at 9 a.m. and 7 p.m., our study of the book of Exodus continues, too. Plenty of opportunities for you to study God’s Word, at Concordia. Take advantage!
Prayers for the following, please--for our shut-in members: Edgar and Della Dreyer, Mildred Grebing, Carl Jenny, Tillie Luckey, Mahela Lueders, Jean Mueller, Flora Oberndorfer, and Elaine Ruehling; for those in need of healing: Bill Bock, Doug Hemman, Pat Petzoldt, Stefanie Schmidt; for our upcoming Council and Voter’s meetings (July 23 and 28); for God’s blessings on the ministry of Missionary John Wolf and his family, as they share the Gospel in Africa; for the renovation work going on inside the Hall; and for all those traveling/on vacation during these weeks of summer.
Stewardship Standard: Ephesians 2:13 says, “But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ.” What all of mankind’s efforts, works, and scheming could not do, the blood of Jesus did. We have peace with God, and we are brought near to the Father. This life-giving sacrifice of Christ sets the pattern for the sacrifices we are called to make for others; in our home, workplace, congregation, and society.
A.C.T.S. small group meets at 6 p.m., Wednesday, July 24, at the Frohna Thrivent office.
Order in the order—why we do what we do in Lutheran worship: In THE CREED (Apostles, Nicene & Athanasian), from the Latin word “credo” meaning “I believe,” we speak to one another and to the world of our common commitment to the core beliefs of the holy Christian Church, wherever it is found. Each Sunday, we join the Church catholic in making that profession of faith.
Lutherans for Life Quote for July 21: “We have the grace and truth of the Gospel to share—not only with women and men in crisis pregnancies but also with those so adamantly advocating for abortion. Why would we not share Jesus Christ with a lost and hurting people?” Diane Albers, President of Lutherans For Life – A Life Quote from Lutherans For Life •
Finally, attached for your reading pleasure is the July issue of the VOICE, the monthly newsletter of the LCMS-Missouri District. I will see you on Saturday or Sunday at Concordia!
Pastor Paul Hoemann
The mission of Concordia Lutheran Church is to gather, teach, and inspire all generations to share the Good News.
Our Core Values
We value worship as a way of life. True worship of God is to be reflected in our lifestyle …in every moment…in every decision…in every relationship.
Christian Education
We are called by God to train our adults, young adults, and children to know and love Him.
We continue to honor our heritage by stewarding our time, talent, and treasures for future generations.
Our goal is to intentionally go and share the Gospel with others in words and deeds.
Week 6 (August 11): “I believe…in the Church”
Week 7 (August 17-18): “I believe…in God’s kingdom”
Week 8 (August 25): “I believe…in the Holy Spirit”
Week 9 (September 1): “I believe…in eternal life”
(July 28 and August 4, I will be on vacation; so, a short break in the series to allow for that.)
Sunday morning Bible study has resumed at 8 a.m. in the sanctuary. Dovetailing nicely with our summer sermon series, we are in the midst of a study of the Apostles’ Creed. Please join me to study God’s Word before our hour of worship! On Wednesdays at 9 a.m. and 7 p.m., our study of the book of Exodus continues, too. Plenty of opportunities for you to study God’s Word, at Concordia. Take advantage!
Prayers for the following, please--for our shut-in members: Edgar and Della Dreyer, Mildred Grebing, Carl Jenny, Tillie Luckey, Mahela Lueders, Jean Mueller, Flora Oberndorfer, and Elaine Ruehling; for those in need of healing: Bill Bock, Doug Hemman, Pat Petzoldt, Stefanie Schmidt; for our upcoming Council and Voter’s meetings (July 23 and 28); for God’s blessings on the ministry of Missionary John Wolf and his family, as they share the Gospel in Africa; for the renovation work going on inside the Hall; and for all those traveling/on vacation during these weeks of summer.
Stewardship Standard: Ephesians 2:13 says, “But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ.” What all of mankind’s efforts, works, and scheming could not do, the blood of Jesus did. We have peace with God, and we are brought near to the Father. This life-giving sacrifice of Christ sets the pattern for the sacrifices we are called to make for others; in our home, workplace, congregation, and society.
A.C.T.S. small group meets at 6 p.m., Wednesday, July 24, at the Frohna Thrivent office.
Order in the order—why we do what we do in Lutheran worship: In THE CREED (Apostles, Nicene & Athanasian), from the Latin word “credo” meaning “I believe,” we speak to one another and to the world of our common commitment to the core beliefs of the holy Christian Church, wherever it is found. Each Sunday, we join the Church catholic in making that profession of faith.
Lutherans for Life Quote for July 21: “We have the grace and truth of the Gospel to share—not only with women and men in crisis pregnancies but also with those so adamantly advocating for abortion. Why would we not share Jesus Christ with a lost and hurting people?” Diane Albers, President of Lutherans For Life – A Life Quote from Lutherans For Life •
Finally, attached for your reading pleasure is the July issue of the VOICE, the monthly newsletter of the LCMS-Missouri District. I will see you on Saturday or Sunday at Concordia!
Pastor Paul Hoemann
The mission of Concordia Lutheran Church is to gather, teach, and inspire all generations to share the Good News.
Our Core Values
We value worship as a way of life. True worship of God is to be reflected in our lifestyle …in every moment…in every decision…in every relationship.
Christian Education
We are called by God to train our adults, young adults, and children to know and love Him.
We continue to honor our heritage by stewarding our time, talent, and treasures for future generations.
Our goal is to intentionally go and share the Gospel with others in words and deeds.